
Your collections

Books, Movies, Web-site articles, Videos...

...put into appropriate collections

...shared with friends / family


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Like movies, books, web-site links, videos, pictures, files

Grey Simpson
“I watch a lot of movies, and quickly forget/lose track of the ones I saw, and what I thought about them. Collony gives me one place to record them.”
Bill Parker
“I read a lot of books, and really want to create a collection of them. Collony is the perfect app for that!”

Mix and match

You can add ANY content type to a collection. A collection DOESN'T have to have one type of content only - like only movies or only books.

Imagine you are a sci-fi fan - and want to collect all sci-fi books, videos, movies, articles, images, so on, in ONE collection!

Arthur McIntosh
Sci-Fi fan
“I am a big sci-fi fan. Lots of people ask me what are my favorite books, or movies. I struggle to give them a complete list, it just takes time and repetitive. Collony gives me the perfect place to point them.”

Share with friends and family

Let your friends and family know when you have watched a movie, or finished reading a book....and, what you thought about it!

Gina Haskell
“A lot of family conversations are about what we have seen recently and what we recommend. I really do not want to repeat saying same things to everyone. Collony gives me a perfect way to inform my friends and family everything I watched and my rating!”

Private, shared, ....or, public

Collections can be limited in visibility - you can keep it completely private, or share with a select few friends / family.

Optionally, you can also make your collection public! Say you are a big-shot and want to just put out there your recommended / essential reading for "Economics 101".

Kimberly Gush
Co-Founder, Economics School
“I get asked a lot as to what books, or any content in general, I recommend for learning economics. Such content is not just books - but videos, articles, and some times movies as well. I find it very convenient with Collony to collect all of them into one place and share publicly!”

Co-create / Collaborate

Let others (you shared with) also contribute to a collection - so, a collection could be a group collection instead of an individual collection!

Gary Plaster
Have a lot of friends
“I have a lot of friend groups, and we talk about movies of mutual liking. Collony really makes it easy to put all our movies, books, videos, in one collection, and have fun discussing.”